Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Swear, I've Got to Start Blogging More Often!

It’s been a while since I last blogged, so I think bullet points are in order if I’m going to recap what’s been going on:

* So, I was invited to audition for Talented Theatre in February. I made it! So, every week, alternating between Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I meet for Talented at school. Basically, I now get to work with some amazing people on whatever crazy thing we’re doing that day. I love it!

* I wrote an essay I’ll be posting here soon: Mad Love: A Psychological Analysis of Harley Quinn. My psychology teacher certainly enjoyed it!

* I was offered the chance to take an online writing course for free. Holy Lisle’s 7-week Plot Course is very helpful, even after only two weeks! I think it is the only free course available, as it serves to entice writers into possibly taking the other courses one day. I’ll certainly be taking it again next year, as it is something beneficial to all writers, not just novices. While plot isn’t necessarily difficult for me after three novels, this course added extra insight to characters, scenes, and beginnings I would not have gotten otherwise. The simple exercises resulted in more ideas than an hour’s worth of sitting in front of the computer scene. Ha ha! Anyway, it’s disclaimer time: I am in no way affiliated with Ms. Lisle or anyone associated with her. I only wanted to make this writing course known to anyone who might be interested.

* Just in case you were wondering . . . I took Ms. Lisle’s course specifically because I had only just started a new project and felt it the perfect opportunity. Since I don’t want to build it up before I actually finish, I’m keeping info on the project very hush, hush. For now.

I promise to post on a more regular basis. I’m working on a schedule or something right now.

For your entertainment, here’s the latest blogging sensation, the poster-child for How NOT to handle a review, Ms. Jacqueline Howett. I’ll refrain from giving my input for now, as I’d like to see how you react in the comments. Go read this review, then read ALL of the author’s comments below it. All I can say is ‘Wow. Just wow.’ *shakes head* This woman must be what gives the other Indie-authors a bad name! The review was highly professional, in my opinion, and certainly not as harsh as it could have been. Anyway, enjoy:




  1. Yes, I agree! You should blog more often! :D

    Ooh, the online writing course sounds really useful. I'm glad it helped you! Sounds like something I should check out … eventually. XD

    Omigoodness … I can't believe this Jacqueline Howett person. "My writing is just fine! F*** off!" … Really? Reading all those comments made me cringe. But it definitely teaches other writers a lesson about professionalism (or lack thereof). Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yeah, I just don't have too much to say, ya know? However, you blogging usualy inspireds me to blog more so . . . XD hinthint!

    Yeah, it's great! Actually, though, I have a question about writing for you. I was going to blog about it, but I don't want to share anything about my new project yet. I want to keep it close to me. However, I find that in order to continue working, I need some advice. That's where you come in. Can I maybe send you an email or something?

    They made me cringe as well. I almost can't believe they're real. I mean, I even looked at her website and she says 'If you enjoyed the book, feel free to leave a review'. Uh, that's not how it works!

    Personally, I find constructive critique to be more encouraging. If what I wrote can inspire someone to take out some of their time to write their thoughts . . . that's prety damn special! Ms. Howett is acting like a child; it's so sad.
